Infrastructure, Consents and Third Party Liaison



Providing all aspects of Third Party Interface Management and Infrastructure Consents for large construction projects.

Interface management

Third Party Interface Management is almost vital for large construction projects. As more individuals and contractors work together there is an increasing chance for miscommunication, lack of communication, or the inability to stay within scope, budget and schedule. This introduces the need for Interface Management.


Interface management

Third Party Interface Management is almost vital for large construction projects. As more individuals and contractors work together something which happens daily on large Infrastructure projects, there is an increasing chance for miscommunication, lack of communication, or the inability to stay within scope, budget and schedule. This introduces the need for Interface Management. It is the process that will help define, control and communicate the relevant information between two or more different parties when working with multiple contractors' subcontractors and clients.

A C Latham has with over 10 years' experience on Third Party Interface management - facilitating the design and construction process for large interdisciplinary teams. Specialising in working with a complex range of Third Party stakeholders such as Network Rail, London Underground and various Local Authorities. Ensuring the interests of the project and clients are protected, both through the timely obtaining of relevant information and the sensitive provision of information to others. Working to reduce project risk through the avoidance of programme delays and abortive work; ensuring compliance with Third Party commitments and agreements.


A C Latham is involved in managing pre-construction and construction phase consenting on some of Europe’s largest infrastructure projects.


Interface management

A C Latham is involved in managing pre-construction and construction phase consenting on some of Europe’s largest infrastructure projects.

Experience in the discharge of consent obligations and of approvals under the full range of primary consents – including Development Consent Orders (DCO), Transport and Works Act Orders (TWAO), Hybrid Bills, and consents under the Town and Country Planning Act and Private Legal agreements for a variety of consent granting bodies including Local Authorities, Historic England, the Environment Agency, the Marine Management Organisation, Natural England and the Land Registry.

AC Latham Ltd
Patchway, Wellgreen Lane, Kingston East Sussex BN7 3NS
T. 07976251747